I have released two apps in the iOS app store over the past year, and this was an intentional goal I set for myself twelve months ago. The apps are doing OK on the app store. I usually sell a few apps each week. Currently, revenue is low. However, that is not the reason I wanted to create apps. It was always about learning something new and challenging myself to reach out of my comfort zone. However one of the things that a software developer must deal with is negative feedback on occasion.
Chemistry AR is an app that uses the ARKit technology that Apple has put in the developer’s hands. The technology helps create augmented reality experiences for mobile users on the iPhone. The app provides the ability for the user to visualize various topics in Chemistry such as molecular geometry, atomic structure, atomic orbitals, periodic trends. It also includes a selection of molecules or sodium chloride (ionic compound). To find out more about Chemistry AR click here.
I’m pleased with where the app is at this time and feel like it adds value to my classroom. The feedback I have received from others is that they find it helpful.
Negative Feedback
On December 22nd, I received my first one-star review for the app. The review is pictured below along with my response to the reviewer.
Here’s how I am handling this…
Why I Care What This Reviewer Has Said
Feedback is feedback, even if it is negative feedback. This person’s perception is that I have misrepresented the app in the app store description. They want their money back, and they think the app is useless.
FYI, if you need to know how to get your money back from a purchase on the app store, you can find out how on this link.
I care about this because I genuinely want to know what this person thought they were buying and why they feel that the app description misled them. Additionally, it would be helpful to know what functionality they were expecting. Unfortunately, the feedback they provided gives me no clue what the issue is.
Why I don’t care
I don’t care about this person’s review, because I feel like I have made a great app that adds value. (way more than the $0.99 current price tag!) The app has the potential to enhance learning in the Chemistry classroom. The most important thing for me is that I listen to my own inner voice and intuition. I will not be deterred from following my passion because someone has expressed that they don’t like my work.
I shared that I received this one-star review with my students today and naturally they were disappointed for me. However, I think it is essential to model the things that I have mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs. All too often with the advent of social media, we look to others for approval and forget to find our inner confidence. I think it is important to model to our youth that they must be empathetic to others and understand their viewpoints yet march to their own beat.
On the flip side of this one star review, the app has received a five-star review from a teacher in the UK. Here is the review.
In response to this review, I was happy to add Sodium Chloride to the list of available models. I’ll be working on the other suggestions as my 3D modelling skills improve. 🙂
I’m not advocating that we ignore input from others. We must take all feedback into consideration. However, the moment that it stifles our ability to speak our inner truth or hesitates us on our path for growth and self-transformation, it’s time to consider which voice we really should be listening to.
I’d love to hear about your journey into whatever you are challenging yourself with these days. You can contact me at neil@powertendevelopment.com if you have an idea that you would like to develop into some software that can help your students learn more science.